torsdag 17 november 2011

Good Bargains Ahead

our basement is full of backpacks and boxes of stuff ready to find new homes? Numerous things that you collected on your hunts pile up in your room? You are looking for a particular item but do not have enough time to check the advertising channel for a decent firefall crystite and rippln invite code offer? You would like to compare prices before you buy or sell something?

Whether you are a merchant at heart, an adventurer in need, or would just like to trade with others in a secure, quick and convenient way, the forthcoming winter update will certainly be of interest for you. It will bring along with Tibia whole new feature to enhance your Tibia experience further.
A place where you do not need to be present or even online to find a customer. A place where you can sell and buy items from other players for fixed prices. A place where you do not have to wait for offers but can browse through existing ones instead: the market.

As you know, teaser information is always preliminary, and subject to change. Nevertheless, we would like to give you a short glance on what this new market feature is all about. So here we go:

  • You can sell and buy items via fixed price offers for ingame gold.
  • All players can browse the market for buy and sell offers and accept them. You can search for an item by checking different categories and using filters, or you can just search for its name.
  • Submitting offers is exclusively available for premium players.
  • While the market can be accessed and used both in the stand-alone client and in the Beta Flash client, the clean, crisp and shiny design of the market in the Beta Flash client is definitely worth a look. Click on the screenshot to see how it will look like in both clients or planetside 2.
  • In general, you can sell or buy all takeable items that you can store in your depot. Check our Xenobot for further information on a few exceptions. There, you can also find a few more details such as how many offers you can submit, and how long an offer will be valid.
  • A fee will be charged for every offer you submit: 1% of the total price, but at least 20 gold coins and 1000 gold coins maximum. Of course, these numbers may still change until the final release.
  • When submitting an offer all costs will be deducted from your bank account immediately.
Consequently, depots will also change a bit. After the winter update, a locker will include your depot box, a new inbox and the market icon to open the market window. The depot box will continue to work as before. But what about the new inbox? While you cannot put anything into it, you will find your items from the market there. Also, from the winter update on, your mail will be delivered into this inbox.

So, it is time to clear your basement and check your wish lists! Will you finally find that item you always wanted to buy but never got around to it? Will you make a pretty penny or spend a fortune?
You can find a screenshot of the "my offers" section of the market on our supported and promoted fansites so make sure to pay them a visit.

Happy trading!
Your Community Managers

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